Model 1. Beginners
Mondays 18:00 20:00, 240 euro for 12 weeks, Max. 4 students.
In the beginners course all Chinese pronunciation drills will be
taught. Students will also learn around 100 Chinese characters with some basic
communication skills: daily greetings, introducing people, asking directions, expressing needs, making suggestions.....
Model 2. Chinese for kids (Beginners)
Wednesdays 13:30 15:00, 240 euro for 12 weeks, Max. 4 children,
each child can bring one parent to join the lesson for free.
Model 3. Chinese for kids (Level 1)
Wednesdays 15:15 16:45, 240 euro for 12 weeks, Max. 4 students.
Level 1: for children who have already had at least 30 hours
Model 4. Chinese for kids (Level 2)
Saturdays 10:45 12:15, 240 euro for 12 weeks, Max. 4 students.
Level 2: for children who have already had at least 60 hours
Model 5. Learn Chinese by playing (for kids 4-6 years old)
Saturdays 13:00 14:30, 240 euro for 12 weeks, Max. 4 students.
From Sept. 2012 on there will be new courses for all Models.
For other advanced courses or private lessons,
please contact us. We will arrange the course according to your